This page lists the most recently-uploaded publications that have been added to the ESD Publications database. Select one or more Research Program(s) to filter the list.

Publication Citation Research Program(s) Updated date
Wofsy, S. C., et al. (1991), Factors Regulating Atmospheric Chemistry in the Arctic and Subarctic: Natural Fires, Midlatitude Industrial Sources, and Stratospheric Inputs, J. Geophys. Res., In press. 2/17/2021
Westphal, D., and B. Toon (1991), The Short-term Temperature Response to Smoke from Oil Fires, J. Geophys. Res., 18, 1873-1876. 2/17/2021
Westphal, D., and B. Toon (1991), Simulations of Microphysical, Radiative, and Dynamical Processes in a Contiental-scale Forest Fire Smoke Plume, J. Geophys. Res., 96, 22,379-22. 2/17/2021
Weaver, C. J., and R. Pearson (1990), Entrainment Instability and Vertical Motion as Causes of Stratocumulus Break-up, Quart. J. Roy. Meterol. Soc., 116, 1359-1388. 2/17/2021
Way, J., et al. (1991), Diurnal Change in Trees as Observed by Optical and Microwave Sensors: The EOS Synergism Study, IEEE Trans. Geosci. and Rem. Sensing, 29.6, 807-821. 2/17/2021
Vitousek, P. M., C. B. Field, and P. A. Matson (1991), Variation in Foliar del 13C in Hawaiian Metrosideros Polymorpha: A Case of Internal Resistance?, Oecologia, 84, 362-370. 2/17/2021
Vitousek, P. M., and P. A. Matson (1991), A Commentary on Effects of Tropical Deforestation on Global and Regional Atmospheric Chemistry, Climatic Change, 19, 159-162. 2/17/2021
Valero, F., and P. Pilewskie (1991), Radiative Effects of the Pinatubo Volcanic Cloud--Spectral Optical Depth, Albedo Changes and Particle Sizes, Geophys. Res. Lett.. 2/17/2021
Vanderbilt, V., et al. (1991), Biophysical Information in Asymmetric and Symmetric Diurnal Bidirectional Canopy Reflectance, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Rem. Sensing, 29.6, 875-889. 2/17/2021
Ustin, S., S. N. Martens, and V. Vanderbilt (1991), Canopy Architecture of a Walnut Orchard, IEEE Trans. Geosci. and Rem. Sensing, 29.6, 843-851. 2/17/2021
Toon, O. B., and R. Turco (1991), Polar Stratospheric Clouds and Ozone Depletion, Scientific American, 264, 68-75. 2/17/2021
Toohey, D., et al. (1991), In Situ Measurements of Midlatitude ClO in Winter, Geophys. Res. Lett., 18, 21-24. 2/17/2021
Strong, L. L., D. S. Gilmer, and J. A. Brass (1991), Inventory of Wintering Geese with a Multispectral Scanner, J. of Wildlife Mgmnt., 55.2, 250-259. 2/17/2021
Spencer, M. N., and C. Chackerian (1991), Nitrogen Broadening of Ozone n3 Rovibrational Transition at 220 K, J. Molecular Spectrosc., 146, 135. 2/17/2021
Russell, P. B., et al. (1991), Advanced Aircraft for Atmospheric Research, Unmanned Systems, 9.4, 19-24. 2/17/2021
Russell, P. B., et al. (1991), The NASA Spring 1984 Stratosphere-Troposphere Exchange Experiment: Science Objectives and Operation, J. Geophys. Res., 96, 17,401-17. 2/17/2021
Roughgarden, J., S. Running, and P. A. Matson (1991), What Does Remote Sensing Do for Ecology?, Ecology, 72.6, 1918-1922. 2/17/2021
Rothschild, L. (1991), A Model for Diurnal Patterns of Carbon Fixation in a Precambrian Microbial Mat Based on a Modern Analog, Bio Systems, 25, 13-23. 2/17/2021
Rossi, R. E., et al. (1991), Geostatistical Tools for Modeling and Interpreting Ecological Spatial Dependence, Ecological Monographs. 2/17/2021
Rondeaux, G., and M. Herman (1991), Polarization of Light Reflected by Crop Canopies, Remote Sensing of the Environ., 38.1, 63-75. 2/17/2021
