Pubs by Program
This page lists the publications in the ESD Publications database, sorted by first author and year. To filter the list, select one or more Research Program(s) to filter the list, or else specify a publication year (e.g., 2011). Options to view other pages of the list are provided at the bottom of the page.
Publication Citation | Research Program(s) |
Allen , H., K.H. Bates, J.D. Crounse, M.J. Kim, A. Teng, E.A. Ray, and P. Wennberg (2022), H2O2 and CH3OOH (MHP) in the Remote Atmosphere: 2. Physical and Chemical Controls, J. Geophys. Res., 127, doi:10.1029/2021JD035702. | TCP |
Allen , H., J.D. Crounse, M. Kim, A. Teng, E. Ray, K. McKain, C. Sweeney, and P. Wennberg (2022), H2O2 and CH3OOH (MHP) in the Remote Atmosphere: 1. Global Distribution and Regional Influences, J. Geophys. Res., 127, doi:10.1029/2021JD035701. | TCP |
Allen, K., J.B. Fisher, R.P. Phillips, J.S. Powers, and E.R. Brzostek (2020), Modeling the Carbon Cost of Plant Nitrogen and Phosphorus Uptake Across Temperate and Tropical Forests, Front. For. Glob. Change, 3, 43, doi:10.3389/ffgc.2020.00043. | CCEP |
Allen, R.J., and C. Zender (2010), Effects of continental‐scale snow albedo anomalies on the wintertime Arctic oscillation, J. Geophys. Res., 115, D23105, doi:10.1029/2010JD014490. | IDS, RSP |
Allen, R.J., and C. Zender (2011), The role of eastern Siberian snow and soil moisture anomalies in quasi‐biennial persistence of the Arctic and North Atlantic Oscillations, J. Geophys. Res., 116, D16125, doi:10.1029/2010JD015311. | IDS, RSP |
Allen, R.J., and C. Zender (2011), Forcing of the Arctic Oscillation by Eurasian Snow Cover, J. Climate, 24, 6528-6539, doi:10.1175/2011JCLI4157.1. | IDS, RSP |
Allen, R., and M. Anderson (2008), Free Access to Landsat Imagery, Science, 320, 1011, doi:10.1126/science.320.5879.1011a. | LCLUC |
Allred, B.B.W., M.K. Creutzburg, J.C. Carlson, C.J. Cole, C.M. Dovichin, M.C. Duniway, M.O. Jones, J.D. Maestas, D.E. Naugle, T.W. Nauman, G. Okin, M.C. Reeves, M. Rigge, S.L. Savage, D. Twidwell, D.R. Uden, and B. Zhou (2023), satellite-derived maps in rangeland management, doi:10.1016/j.rala.2021.09.004. | ASP |
Alvarado, M.J., J.A. Logan, J. Mao, E. Apel, D. Riemer, D.R. Blake, R.C. Cohen, K.-E. Min, A. Perring, E.C. Browne, P.J. Wooldridge, G.S. Diskin, G. Sachse, H. Fuelberg, W.R. Sessions, D.L. Harrigan, L.G. Huey, J. Liao, A. Case-Hanks, J. Jimenez-Palacios, M.J. Cubison, S.A. Vay, A. Weinheimer, D.J. Knapp, D.D. Montzka, F. Flocke, I.B. Pollack, P. Wennberg, A. Kurten, J.D. Crounse, J.M. St. Clair, A. Wisthaler, T. Mikoviny, R.M. Yantosca, C.C. Carouge, and P. Le Sager (2010), Nitrogen oxides and PAN in plumes from boreal fires during ARCTAS-B and their impact on ozone: an integrated analysis of aircraft and satellite observations, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 9739-9760, doi:10.5194/acp-10-9739-2010. | TCP |
Alvarado, M.J., K. Cady-Pereira, Y. Xiao, D. Millet, and V. Payne (2011), Emission Ratios for Ammonia and Formic Acid and Observations of Peroxy Acetyl Nitrate (PAN) and Ethylene in Biomass Burning Smoke as Seen by the Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES), Atmosphere, 2, 633-654, doi:10.3390/atmos2040633. | ACMAP |
Alvarado, M.J., V. Payne, E.J. Mlawer, G. Uymin, M.W. Shephard, K. Cady-Pereira, J.S. Delamere, and J.-L. Moncet (2013), Performance of the Line-By-Line Radiative Transfer Model (LBLRTM) for temperature, water vapor, and trace gas retrievals: recent updates evaluated with IASI case studies, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 6687-6711, doi:10.5194/acp-13-6687-2013. | |
Alvarado, M.J., C.R. Lonsdale, R. Yokelson, S. Akagi, H. Coe, J.S. Craven, E.V. Fischer, G.R. McMeeking, J.H. Seinfeld, T. Soni, J.W. Taylor, D.R. Weise, and C.E. Wold (2015), Investigating the links between ozone and organic aerosol chemistry in a biomass burning plume from a prescribed fire in California chaparral, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 6667-6688, doi:10.5194/acp-15-6667-2015. | ACMAP |
Alvarado, M.J., V. Payne, K. Cady-Pereira, J. Hegarty, S.S. Kulawik, K.J. Wecht, J. Worden, J.V. Pittman, and S.C. Wofsy (2015), Impacts of updated spectroscopy on thermal infrared retrievals of methane evaluated with HIPPO data, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 8, 965-985, doi:10.5194/amt-8-965-2015. | ACMAP |
Alwe, H.D., D. Millet, X. Chen, J.D. Raff, Z.C. Payne, and K. Fledderman (2019), Oxidation of Volatile Organic Compounds as the Major Source of Formic Acid in a Mixed Forest Canopy, Geophys. Res. Lett., 46, 2940-2948, doi:10.1029/2018GL081526. | Atmospheric Composition, ACMAP |
Amador, E., M. Cable, N. Chaudry, T. Cullen, D. Gentry, M. Jacobsen, G. Murukesan, E. Schwieterman, A. Stevens, A. Stockton, C. Yin, D. Cullen, and W. Geppert (2015), Synchronous in-field application of life-detection techniques in planetary analog missions, Planetary and Space Science, 106, 1-10, doi:10.1016/j.pss.2014.11.006. | |
Ambrosia, V. (2009), NASA's Airborne Fire Monitoring Efforts, 2007-2008 UAS Experiences. Proceedings of the Aerial Firefighting Conference, Feb., Anaheim, 19-20. | |
Ambrosia, V., and M. Hutt (2011), K. Lulla.. UAS for Remote Sensing, UAS for Remote Sensing. Geocarto International Journal, 26, 69-70, doi:10.1080/10106049.2011.553507. | ASP |
Ambrosia, V., and T. Zajkowski (2014), Selection of Appropriate Class UAS/Sensors to Support Fire Monitoring, Real-Life Experiences in the US, Handbook of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, edited by K. P. Valavanis and G. J. Vachtsevanos. New York: Springer Verlag; ISBN 978-9048197064. | |
Ambrosia, V., S. Wegener, D. Sullivan, S. Buechel, S.E. Dunagan, J.A. Brass, and J. Stoneburner (2003), Demonstrating UAV-acquired real-time thermal data over fires, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 69, 391-402. | |
Ambrosia, V., E. Hinkley, T. Zajkowski, S. Wegener, D.V. Sullivan, F. Enomoto, and S. Schoenung (2009), Lessons Learned: Experiences in UAS Sensor Operations Supporting Disaster Scenarios (Wildfires) in the United States. Proceedings of 33rd International Symposium on, Remote Sensing of Environment, Stresa, 1-4. |