Pubs by Program

This page lists the publications in the ESD Publications database, sorted by first author and year. To filter the list, select one or more Research Program(s) to filter the list, or else specify a publication year (e.g., 2011). Options to view other pages of the list are provided at the bottom of the page.

Publication Citation Research Program(s)
Yu, H., M. Chin, D. Winker, A.H. Omar, Z. Liu, C. Kittaka, and T. Diehl (2010), Global view of aerosol vertical distributions from CALIPSO lidar measurements and GOCART simulations: Regional and seasonal variations, J. Geophys. Res., 115, D00H30, doi:10.1029/2009JD013364. ACMAP, RSP
Yu, H., L.A. Remer, M. Chin, H. Bian, Q. Tan, T. Yuan, and Y. Zhang (2012), Aerosols from Overseas Rival Domestic Emissions over North America, Science, 337, 566-569, doi:10.1126/science.1217576. ACMAP, MAP, RSP
Yu, H., Y. Zhang, M. Chin, . Liu, A. Omar, L.A. Remer, Y. Yang, T. Yuan, and J. Zhang (2012), An integrated analysis of aerosol above clouds from A-Train multi-sensor measurements, Remote Sensing of Environment, 121, 125-131, doi:10.1016/j.rse.2012.01.011. ACMAP, RSP
Yu, H., L.A. Remer, R.A. Kahn, M. Chin, and Y. Zhang (2013), Satellite perspective of aerosol intercontinental transport: from qualitative tracking to quantitative characterization, Atmos. Res., 124, 73-100, doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2012.12.013. ACMAP, RSP
Yu, H., M. Chin, J. West, C.S. Atherton, N. Bellouin, I. Bey, D. Bergmann, H. Bian, T. Diehl, G. Forberth, P. Hess, M. Schulz, D. Shindell, T. Takemura, and Q. Tan (2013), A multi-model assessment of the influence of regional anthropogenic emission reductions on aerosol direct radiative forcing and the role of intercontinental transport, J. Geophys., Res, 118, 700-720, doi:10.1029/2012JD018148. MAP, RSP
Yu, H., M. Chin, H. Bian, T. Yuan, J. Prospero, A.H. Omar, L.A. Remer, D. Winker, Y. Yang, Y. Zhang, and Z. Zhang (2015), Quantification of trans-Atlantic dust transport from seven-year (2007–2013) record of CALIPSO lidar measurements, Remote Sensing of Environment, 159, 232-249, doi:10.1016/j.rse.2014.12.010. ACMAP
Yu, H., M. Chin, T. Yuan, H. Bian, L.A. Remer, J. Prospero, A.H. Omar, D. Winker, Y. Yang, Y. Zhang, Z. Zhang, and C. Zhao (2015), The fertilizing role of African dust in the Amazon rainforest: A first multiyear assessment based on data from Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations, Geophys. Res. Lett., 42, 1984-1991, doi:10.1002/2015GL063040. RSP
Yu, H., M. Chin, H. Bian, T. Yuan, J. Prospero, A.H. Omar, L.A. Remer, D. Winker, W. Yang, Y. Zhang, and Z. Zhang (2015), Quantification of Trans-Atlantic Dust Transport from Seven-year (2007-2013) Record of CALIPSO Lidar Measurements, " Remote Sens. Environ, 159, 232-249, doi:10.1016/j.rse.2014.12.010. RSP
Yu, H., Q. Tan, M. Chin, L.A. Remer, R.A. Kahn, H. Bian, D. Kim, Z. Zhang, T. Yuan, A.H. Omar, D. Winker, R.C. Levy, O.V. Kalashnikova, L. Crepeau, V. Capelle, and A. Chédin (2019), Estimates of African Dust Deposition Along the Trans‐ Atlantic Transit Using the Decadelong Record of Aerosol Measurements from CALIOP, MODIS, MISR, and IASI, J. Geophys. Res., 124, 7975-7996, doi:10.1029/2019JD030574. ACMAP, RSP
Yu, H., Y. Yang, H. Wang, Q. Tan, M. Chin, R.C. Levy, L.A. Remer, S.J. Smith, T. Yuan, and Y.(. Shi (2020), Interannual variability and trends of combustion aerosol and dust in major continental outflows revealed by MODIS retrievals and CAM5 simulations during 2003–2017, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20, 139-161, doi:10.5194/acp-20-139-2020. ACMAP, RSP
Yu, H., Q. Tan, L. Zhou, Y. Zhou, H. Bian, M. Chin, C.L. Ryder, R.C. Levy, Y. Pradhan, Y.(. Shi, Q. Song, Z. Zhang, P.R. Colarco, D. Kim, L.A. Remer, T. Yuan, O. Mayol-Bracero, and B.N. Holben (2021), Observation and modeling of the historic “Godzilla” African dust intrusion into the Caribbean Basin and the southern US in June 2020, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 21, 12359-12383, doi:10.5194/acp-21-12359-2021. ACMAP, RSP
Yu, H., S.-C. Liu, and R.E. Dickinson (2002), Radiative effects of aerosols on the evolution of the atmospheric boundary layer, J. Geophys. Res., 107, 4142, doi:10.1029/2001JD000754. IDS
Yu, K., C.A. Keller, D.J. Jacob, A.M. Molod, S.D. Eastham, and M.S. Long (2018), Errors and improvements in the use of archived meteorological data for chemical transport modeling: an analysis using GEOS-Chem v11-01 driven by GEOS-5 meteorology, Geosci. Model. Dev., 11, 305-319, doi:10.5194/gmd-11-305-2018. MAP
Yu, P., O.B. Toon, C.G. Bardeen, M.J. Mills, T.Y. Fan, J.M. English, and R.R. Neely (2015), Evaluations of tropospheric aerosol properties simulated by the community earth system model with a sectional aerosol microphysics scheme, Journal of Advanced Modeling of Earth Systems, 7, 865-914, doi:10.1002/2014MS000421.
Yu, P., O.B. Toon, C.G. Bardeen, A. Bucholtz, K.H. Rosenlof, P.E. Saide Peralta, A.M. da Silva, L.D. Ziemba, K.L. Thornhill, J.L. Jimenez-Palacios, P. Campuzano Jost, J.P. Schwarz, A.E. Perring, K.D. Froyd, N.L. Wagner, M.J. Mills, and J.S. Reid (2016), Surface dimming by the 2013 Rim Fire simulated by a sectional aerosol model, J. Geophys. Res., 121, 7079-7087, doi:10.1002/2015JD024702. TCP
Yu, P., K.D. Froyd, R.W. Portmann, O.B. Toon, S.R. Freitas, C.G. Bardeen, C.A. Brock, T. Fan, R. Gao, J.M. Katich, A. Kupc, S. Liu, C. Maloney, D. Murphy, K.H. Rosenlof, G.P. Schill, J.P. Schwarz, and C.J. Williamson (2019), Efficient In‐Cloud Removal of Aerosols by Deep Convection, Geophys. Res. Lett., 46, 1061-1069, doi:10.1029/2018GL080544. TCP
Yu, S., B. Drouin, and C.E. Miller (2014), High resolution spectral analysis of oxygen. IV. Energy levels, partition sums, band constants, RKR potentials, Franck-Condon factors involving the X3Σg−, a1Δg and b1Σg+ states, J. Chem. Phys., 141, 174302, doi:10.1063/1.4900510. UARP
Yu, S., J.C. Pearson, B. Drouin, C.E. Miller, K. Kobayashi, and F. Matsushima (2016), Terahertz spectroscopy of ground state HD18O, Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 328, 27-31, doi:10.1016/j.jms.2016.07.005. UARP
Yu, S., R. Rosenberg, C. Bruegge, L. Chapsky, D. Fu, R. Lee, T. Taylor, H. Cronk, C. O'Dell, A. Angal, X. Xiong, D. Crisp, and A. Eldering (2020), Stability Assessment of OCO-2 Radiometric Calibration Using Aqua MODIS as a Reference, Remote Remote Sens., 2020, 1269, doi:10.3390/rs12081269.
Yu, W., A. Dessler, M. Park, and E.J. Jensen (2020), Influence of convection on stratospheric water vapor in the North American monsoon region, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20, 12153-12161, doi:10.5194/acp-20-12153-2020. Atmospheric Composition, UARP