Pubs by Program

This page lists the publications in the ESD Publications database, sorted by first author and year. To filter the list, select one or more Research Program(s) to filter the list, or else specify a publication year (e.g., 2011). Options to view other pages of the list are provided at the bottom of the page.

Publication Citation Research Program(s)
Bilsback, K.R., Y. He, C.D. Cappa, R.Y. Chang, B. Croft, R. Martin, N.L. Ng, J. Seinfeld, J.R. Pierce, and S.H. Jathar (2023), Vapors Are Lost to Walls, Not to Particles on the Wall: ArtifactCorrected Parameters from Chamber Experiments and Implications for Global Secondary Organic Aerosol, Environ. Sci. Technol., 57, 53-63, doi:10.1021/acs.est.2c03967. Atmospheric Composition, TCP
Birk, M., G. Wagner, I.E. Gordon, and B. Drouin (2019), Ozone intensities in the rotational bands, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 226, 60-65, doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2019.01.004. Atmospheric Composition
Birk, R.J., T. Stanley, G.I. Snyder, T.A. Hennig, and M. Fladeland (2003), Commerical imagery for use in government-sponsored Earth Science and mapping programs, Remote Sensing of Environment, 88, 3-16.
Birner, B., M. Chipperfield, E.J. Morgan, B.B. Stephens, M. Linz, W. Feng, C. Wilson, J.D. Bent, S. Wofsy, J. Severinghaus, and R.F. Keeling (2020), Gravitational separation of Ar/N2 and age of air in the lowermost stratosphere in airborne observations and a chemical transport model, Atmos. Chem. Phys., doi:10.5194/acp-2020-95. TCP
Bishay, K., N.R. Bjarke, P. Modi, J.M. Pflug, and B. Livneh (2023), Can Remotely Sensed Snow Disappearance Explain Seasonal Water Supply?, Can Remotely Sensed Snow Disappearance Explain Seasonal Water Supply? Water, 15, 1147, doi:10.3390/w15061147.
Bisson, K., S. Gasso, N. Mahowald, . Wagner, . Koffman, S.A. Carn, . Deutsch, E. Gazel, . Kramer, N.A. Krotkov, . Mitchell, M. Pritchard, . Stamieszkin, and . Wilson (2023), Observing ocean ecosystem responses to volcanic ash, Remote Sensing of Environment, 296, 113749, doi:10.1016/j.rse.2023.113749. OBB
Bisson, K., S. Gassó, N. Mahowald, S. Wagner, B. Koffman, S.A. Carn, S. Deutsch, E. Gazel, S. Kramer, N.A. Krotkov, C. Mitchell, M.E. Pritchard, K. Stamieszkin, and C. Wilson (2024), Observing ocean ecosystem responses to volcanic ash, Remote Sensing of Environment, 296.
Black, F.W., J. Lee, C. Ichoku, L. Ellison, C.K. Gatebe, R. Babamaaji, K. Abdollahi, . San, and S.B. Burning (2021), Biomass Burning and Water Balance Dynamics in the Lake Chad Basin in Africa, Earth, 2, 340-356, doi:10.3390/earth2020020. THP, IDS, RSP
Blackwell, E., M. Shirzaei, . Ojha, and S. Werth (2020), Tracking California’s sinking coast from space, Implications for relative sea-level rise. Science Advances, 6, eaba4551-10, doi:10.1126/sciadv.aba4551. ESI
Blackwell, W.J., J. Barrett, F.W. Chen, V. Leslie, P.W. Rosenkranz, M.J. Schwartz, and D.H. Staelin. (2001), NPOESS aircraft sounder testbed-microwave (NAST-M): Instrument description and initial flight results, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 39, 2444-2453.
Blair, J.B., D.L. Rabine, and M.A. Hofton (1999), The Laser Vegetation Imaging Sensor: A medium-altitude, digitisation-only, airborne laser altimeter for mapping vegetation and topography, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing, 54, 115-122.
Blake, N.J., D.R. Blake, I.J. Simpson, J. Lopez, N.A.C. Johnston, A.L. Swanson, A.S. Katzenstein, S. Meinardi, B. Sive, J.J. Colman, E.L. Atlas, F. Flocke, S. Vay, M.A. Avery, and F.S. Rowland (2001), Large scale latitudinal and vertical distributions of NMHCs and selected halocarbons in the troposphere over the Pacific Ocean during the March-April 1999 Pacific Exploratory Expedition (PEM-Tropics B), J. Geophys. Res., 106, 32627-32644.
Blake, N.J., D.R. Blake, I.J. Simpson, S. Meinardi, A.L. Swanson, J. Lopez, A.S. Katzenstein, B. Barletta, T. Shirai, E.L. Atlas, G.W. Sachse, M.A. Avery, S. Vay, H.E. Fuelberg, C.M. Kiley, and F.S. Rowland (2003), NMHCs and halocarbons in Asian continental outflow during TRACE-P: Comparison to PEM-West B, J. Geophys. Res., 108, 8806, doi:10.1029/2002JD003367.
Blake, N.J., D.R. Blake, A.L. Swanson, E.L. Atlas, F. Flocke, and F.S. Rowland (2003), Latitudinal, vertical, and seasonal variations of C1-C4 alkyl nitrates in the troposphere over the Pacific Ocean during PEM-Tropics A and B: Oceanic and continental sources, J. Geophys. Res., 108, 10.
Blake, N.J., D.G. Streets, J.-H. Woo, I.J. Simpson, J. Green, S. Meinardi, K. Kita, E.L. Atlas, H.E. Fuelberg, G.W. Sachse, M.A. Avery, S. Vay, R. Talbot, J.E. Dibb, A.R. Bandy, D.C. Thornton, F.S. Rowland, and D.R. Blake (2003), Carbonyl sulfide (OCS) and carbon disulfide (CS2): Large scale distributions and emissions from Asia during TRACE-P, J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1029/2003JD004259.
Blake, N.J., J.E. Campbell, S. Vay, H.E. Fuelberg, L.G. Huey, G.W. Sachse, S. Meinardi, A. Beyersdorf, A. Baker, B. Barletta, J. Midyett, L. Doezema, M. Kamboures, J. McAdams, B. Novak, F.S. Rowland, and D.R. Blake (2008), Carbonyl sulfide (OCS): Large-scale distributions over North America during INTEX-NA and relationship to CO2, J. Geophys. Res., 113, D09S90, doi:10.1029/2007JD009163.
Blake, R.S., P.S. Monks, and A.M. Ellis (2009), Proton-Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometry, Chem. Rev., 109, 861-896.
Blake, T.A., C. Chackerian, and J.R. Podolske (1996), Prognosis for a mid-infrared magnetic rotation spectrometer for the in situ detection of atmospheric free-radicals, Appl. Opt., 35, 973-985.
Blake, T.A., S.E. Novick, F.J. Lovas, and R.D. Svenram (1992), Determination of the Structure of CO2-H2CO, J Mol. Spec., 154, 72-82.
Blake, T.A., D.F. Eggers, S.-H. Tseng, M. Lewerenz, R.P. Swift, R.D. Beck, R.O. Watts, and F.J. Lovas (1993), The Infrared and Microwave Spectroscopy of the Argon-Propyne Dimer, J Chemical Physics, 98, 6031.