Pubs by Program

This page lists the publications in the ESD Publications database, sorted by first author and year. To filter the list, select one or more Research Program(s) to filter the list, or else specify a publication year (e.g., 2011). Options to view other pages of the list are provided at the bottom of the page.

Publication Citation Research Program(s)
Adams, C., E.N. Normand, . McLinden, A.E. Bourassa, N.D. Lloyd, D.A. Degenstein, N.A. Krotkov, M.B. Rivas, K.F. Boersma, and H. Eskes (2016), Limb–nadir matching using non-coincident NO2 observations: proof of concept and the OMI-minus-OSIRIS prototype product, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 4103-4122, doi:10.5194/amt-9-4103-2016. ACMAP, TCP
Ancellet, G., N. Daskalakis, J.C. Raut, D. Tarasick, J. Hair, B. Quennehen, F. Ravetta, H.G. Schlager, A.J. Weinheimer, A.M. Thompson, B. Johnson, J.L. Thomas, and K.S. Law (2016), Analysis of the latitudinal variability of tropospheric ozone in the Arctic using the large number of aircraft and ozonesonde observations in early summer 2008, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 13341-13358, doi:10.5194/acp-16-13341-2016. TCP
Beyersdorf, A., L.D. Ziemba, G. Chen, C.A. Corr, J.H. Crawford, G.S. Diskin, R. Moore, K.L. Thornhill, E.L. Winstead, and B.E. Anderson (2016), The impacts of aerosol loading, composition, and water uptake on aerosol extinction variability in the Baltimore–Washington, D.C. region, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 1003-1015, doi:10.5194/acp-16-1003-2016. TCP
Bloom, A., T. Lauvaux, J. Worden, V. Yadav, R. Duren, S.P. Sander, and D. Schimel (2016), What are the greenhouse gas observing system requirements for reducing fundamental biogeochemical process uncertainty? Amazon wetland CH4 emissions as a case study, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 15199-15218, doi:10.5194/acp-16-15199-2016. Atmospheric Composition, TCP, UARP
Brock, C.A., N.L. Wagner, B.E. Anderson, A. Beyersdorf, P. Campuzano Jost, D.A. Day, G.S. Diskin, T. Gordon, J.L. Jimenez-Palacios, D.A. Lack, J. Liao, M. Markovic, A.M. Middlebrook, A.E. Perring, M.S. Richardson, J.P. Schwarz, A. Welti, L.D. Ziemba, and D. Murphy (2016), Aerosol optical properties in the southeastern United States in summer – Part 2: Sensitivity of aerosol optical depth to relative humidity and aerosol parameters, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 5009-5019, doi:10.5194/acp-16-5009-2016. TCP
Brock, C.A., N.L. Wagner, B.E. Anderson, A.R. Attwood, A. Beyersdorf, P. Campuzano Jost, A.G. Carlton, D.A. Day, G.S. Diskin, T. Gordon, J.L. Jimenez-Palacios, D.A. Lack, J. Liao, M. Markovic, A.M. Middlebrook, N.L. Ng, A.E. Perring, M.S. Richardson, J.P. Schwarz, R.A. Washenfelder, A. Welti, L. Xu, L.D. Ziemba, and D. Murphy (2016), Aerosol optical properties in the southeastern United States in summer – Part 1: Hygroscopic growth, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 4987-5007, doi:10.5194/acp-16-4987-2016. TCP
Cai, C., S. Kulkarni, Z. Zhao, A.P. Kaduwela, J.C. Avise, J.A. DaMassa, H.B. Singh, A.J. Weinheimer, R.C. Cohen, G.S. Diskin, P. Wennberg, J.E. Dibb, G. Huey, A. Wisthaler, J.L. Jimenez-Palacios, and M.J. Cubison (2016), Simulating reactive nitrogen, carbon monoxide, and ozone in California during ARCTAS-CARB 2008 with high wildfire activity, Atmos. Environ., 128, 28-44, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2015.12.031. TCP
Calkins, C., C. Ge, J. Wang, M. Anderson, and K. Yang (2016), Effects of meteorological conditions on sulfur dioxide air pollution in the North China plain during winters of 2006e2015, Atmos. Environ., 147, 296-309, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2016.10.005. ACMAP, TCP
Colosimo, S.F., V. Natraj, S.P. Sander, and J.P. Stutz (2016), A sensitivity study on the retrieval of aerosol vertical profiles using the oxygen A-band, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 1889-1905, doi:10.5194/amt-9-1889-2016. Atmospheric Composition, TCP, UARP
Corr, C.A., L.D. Ziemba, E. Scheuer, B.E. Anderson, A. Beyersdorf, G. Chen, E.C. Crosbie, R. Moore, M.A. Shook, K.L. Thornhill, E.L. Winstead, R.P. Lawson, M.C. Barth, J.R. Schroeder, D.R. Blake, and J.E. Dibb (2016), Observational evidence for the convective transport of dust over the Central United States, J. Geophys. Res., 121, doi:10.1002/2015JD023789. TCP
Fisher, J.A.V., D.J. Jacob, K.R. Travis, P.S. Kim, E.A. Marais, C. Chan, J.D. Crounse, A.P. Teng, T.B. Nguyen, J.M. St. Clair, R.C. Cohen, P.S. Romer, B.A. Nault, P.J. Wooldridge, J.L. Jimenez-Palacios, P. Campuzano Jost, D.A. Day, W. Hu, P.B. Shepson, F. Xiong, D.R. Blake, A.S. Goldstein, P.K. Misztal, T.F. Hanisco, G.M. Wolfe, T.B. Ryerson, A. Wisthaler, and T. Mikoviny (2016), Organic nitrate chemistry and its implications for nitrogen budgets in an isoprene- and monoterpene-rich atmosphere: constraints from aircraft (SEAC4RS) and ground-based (SOAS) observations in the Southeast US, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 5969-5991, doi:10.5194/acp-16-5969-2016. TCP
Fu, D., K.W. Bowman, H.M. Worden, V. Natraj, J.R. Worden, . Yu, P. Veefkind, I. Aben, J. Landgraf, L. Strow, and Y. Han (2016), High-resolution tropospheric carbon monoxide profiles retrieved from CrIS and TROPOMI, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 2567-2579, doi:10.5194/amt-9-2567-2016. Atmospheric Composition, TCP
Goldberg, D., T.P. Vinciguerra, D.C. Anderson, L. Hembeck, T.T.P.C. Timothy P Canty, S.H. Ehrman, D. Martins, R.M. Stauffer, A.M. Thompson, R.J. Salawitch, and R.R. Dickerson (2016), CAMx ozone source attribution in the eastern United States using guidance from observations during DISCOVER-AQ Maryland, Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, 2249-2258, doi:10.1002/2015GL067332. TCP
Hakala, J.P., and N.M. Donahue (2016), Pressure-Dependent Criegee Intermediate Stabilization from Alkene Ozonolysis, J. Phys. Chem. A, 120, 2173-2178, doi:10.1021/acs.jpca.6b01538. Atmospheric Composition, TCP
Halliday, H.S., A.M. Thompson, A. Wisthaler, D.R. Blake, R.S. Hornbrook, T. Mikoviny, M. Müller, P.P. Eichler, E.C. Apel, and A.J. Hills (2016), Atmospheric benzene observations from oil and gas production in the Denver-Julesburg Basin in July and August 2014, J. Geophys. Res., 121, doi:10.1002/2016JD025327. TCP
Hammer, M.S., R. Martin, A. van Donkelaar, V.J. Buchard-Marchant, O. Torres, D.A. Ridley, and R. Spurr (2016), Interpreting the ultraviolet aerosol index observed with the OMI satellite instrument to understand absorption by organic aerosols: implications for atmospheric oxidation and direct radiative effects, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 2507-2523, doi:10.5194/acp-16-2507-2016. Atmospheric Composition, TCP
Hodzic, A., P. Kasibhatla, D.S. Jo, C.D. Cappa, J.L. Jimenez-Palacios, S. Madronich, and R. Park (2016), Rethinking the global secondary organic aerosol (SOA) budget: stronger production, faster removal, shorter lifetime, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 7917-7941, doi:10.5194/acp-16-7917-2016. TCP
Hou, W., J. Wang, X. Xu, J.S. Reid, and D. Han (2016), An algorithm for hyperspectral remote sensing of aerosols: 1. Development of theoretical framework, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 178, 400-415, doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2016.01.019. RSP, TCP
Hu, W., B.B. Palm, D.A. Day, P. Campuzano Jost, J.E. Krechmer, Z. Peng, S.S. de Sá, S.T. Martin, M.L. Alexander, K. Baumann, L. Hacker, A. Kiendler-Scharr, A.R. Koss, J.A. de Gouw, A.S. Goldstein, R. Seco Guix, S. Sjostedt, J. Park, A.B. Guenther, S. Kim, F. Canonaco, A.S.H. Prévôt, W.H. Brune, and J.L. Jimenez-Palacios (2016), Volatility and lifetime against OH heterogeneous reaction of ambient isoprene-epoxydiols-derived secondary organic aerosol (IEPOX-SOA), Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 11563-11580, doi:10.5194/acp-16-11563-2016. TCP
Ialongo, I., J.R. Herman, N.A. Krotkov, L. Lamsal, K.F. Boersma, J. Hovila, and J. Tamminen (2016), Comparison of OMI NO2 observations and their seasonal and weekly cycles with ground-based measurements in Helsinki, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 5203-5212, doi:10.5194/amt-9-5203-2016. ACMAP, TCP, UARP