There is a general agreement that deep aquifers experience significant lag time in their response to climatic variations. Analysis of Temporal Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE), Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity mission (SMOS), satellite altimetry, stable isotopic composition of groundwater, and precipitation and static global geopotential models over the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System (NSAS) revealed rapid aquifer response to climate variability. Findings include: (1) The recharge areas of the NSAS (Northern Sudan Platform subbasin) witnessed a dry period (2002−2012), where average annual precipitation (AAP) was modest (85 mm) followed by a wet period (2013–2016; AAP: 107 mm), and during both periods the AAP remained negligible (b10 mm) over the northern parts of the NSAS (Dakhla subbasin); (2) the secular trends in terrestrial water storage (TWS) over the Dakhla subbasin were estimated at −3.8 ± 1.3 mm/yr and + 7.8 ± 1 mm/yr for the dry and wet periods, respectively; (3) spatial variations in TWS values and phase are consistent with rapid groundwater flow from the Northern Sudan Platform subbasin and Lake Nasser towards the Dakhla subbasin during the wet period and from the lake during the dry period; and (4) networks of densely fractured and karstified bedrocks provide preferential pathways for groundwater flow. The proposed model is supported by (1) rapid response in groundwater levels in distant wells (N280 km from source areas) and in soil moisture content in areas with shallow (b2 m) groundwater levels to fluctuations in Lake Nasser surface water, and (2) the isotopic composition
Joint Fund, administered by the National Academies of Sciences grant 2000007141 awarded to Western Michigan University