Inferring ozone production in an urban atmosphere using measurements of...
Observations of peroxynitric acid (HO2 NO2 ) obtained simultaneously with those of NO and NO2 provide a sensitive measure of the ozone photochemical production rate. We illustrate this technique for constraining the ozone production rate with observations obtained from the NCAR C-130 aircraft platform during the Megacity Initiative: Local and Global Research Observations (MILAGRO) intensive in Mexico during the spring of 2006. Sensitive and selective measurements of HO2 NO2 were made in situ using chemical ionization mass spectrometry (CIMS). Observations were compared to modeled HO2 NO2 concentrations obtained from the NASA Langley highly-constrained photochemical time-dependent box model. The median observedto-calculated ratio of HO2 NO2 is 1.18. At NOx levels greater than 15 ppbv, the photochemical box model underpredicts observations with an observed-to-calculated ratio of HO2 NO2 of 1.57. As a result, we find that at high NOx , the ozone production rate calculated using measured HO2 NO2 is faster than predicted using accepted photochemistry. Inclusion of an additional HOx source from the reaction of excited state NO2 with H2 O or reduction in the rate constant of the reaction of OH with NO2 improves the agreement.